Leschenault Catholic Primary School

Mardo Avenue,
Australind WA 6233

(08) 9720 3737


Christianity | Friendship | Respect


Leschenault Catholic Primary School (LCPS) is a double-stream school catering to students from Pre-Kindergarten to Year Six and providing a Play Group to support young families and younger children getting a great start. Our Vision is to be a C.H.R.I.S.T centred community that inspires every individual to think, learn and strive for academic excellence. We aim to create an environment that is welcoming to all, proudly Catholic and a place where each of our students, their families and our staff thrive!
Our six C.H.R.I.S.T values: Courage & Compassion; Honouring Each Other; Reverence; Involve and Include All; Seek to Serve and Truth and Justice, underpin and guide our school culture. We have high expectations of our students, and we value and encourage each of them to be the very best they can be. Our school improvement journey is guided by contemporary research and implementing best teaching practices and programs across our school. Our distributed leadership model enables our committed staff, who are heavily invested in our school, to develop their expertise and lead programs and initiatives across our school.  The School Improvement Team, comprised of school leaders and lead teachers, oversees teaching and learning and ensures programs and models are implemented with fidelity across all year levels. We use a variety of methods to monitor and track student progress aiming for high growth for every student each year.  
LCPS is incredibly well supported by our parents, community and many committed teams including Christ the Living Vine Parish, our Catholic School’s Advisory Council and the LCPS Parents and Friends Group.  
Catholic School Improvement Plan
Annual Report and Performance Data
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