Supports and advises the Principal on school financial matters such as financial performance against budget, sustainability and recurrent and capital planning.
The Catholic School Advisory Council supports the Principal in their leadership of the school, especially in strategy and finance. CSAC Members are integral to the spirit of partnership that is developed within the school community. The Advisory Council reflects the diversity of our community ensuring the representation of different voices, experiences and perspectives. The role of the School Advisory Council:
- Supports the Principal in their leadership of the school
- Is a resource when the Principal is planning for the present and future strategy of our school
- Brings the voice of the community into our school
- Helps to build relationships across our Catholic school community
- Represent the interests of all the partners within our school and works positively in the service of the LCPS Catholic school community.
The current members of the LCPS School Advisory Council are:
- Chairperson: Lou Williams
- Treasurer: Shane Kaurin
- Secretary: Rebecca Martin
- Elected Members: Greg Hamilton & Jo Saunders
- Co-Opted Members: Pat Young
- Ex-Officio: Daniel Graves (Principal) Fr Robert Romano (Parish Priest)
- Observers to the Council: Bree Dudek