Leschenault Catholic Primary School

Mardo Avenue,
Australind WA 6233

(08) 9720 3737

Principal’s Welcome

We are justifiably proud of our staff and the educational programs we offer our students


Dear Parents and Caregivers

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Leschenault Catholic Primary School website.  For most parents, one of the biggest investments and choices they make is choosing the right school for their child. At Leschenault Catholic Primary School, we understand that your child and your child’s faith, learning, health, well-being and happiness is of paramount importance to you.  Every child and every family is important at LCPS, and we work together to nurture each child’s learning and development in a faith-filled and engaging environment. 

We are justifiably proud of our staff and the educational programs we offer our students.  Our Vision is to build a C.H.R.IS.T.-centred community that inspires each of us to think, learn and strive for academic excellence. Our C.H.R.I.S.T. Values are:


  • Courage and Compassion
  • Honouring Each Other
  • Reverence
  • Involve and Include All
  • Seeking to Serve
  • Truth and Justice


By interweaving these core values into our educational program, combined with a genuine and authentic partnership with our families, we create an environment that enables our students to thrive and become their best. Our dedicated and committed staff have a clear focus on student well-being and the provision of an exceptional educational program that maximises student learning.

At Leschenault CPS, we are committed to giving your child the very best we can offer.


Yours sincerely,

Daniel Graves


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