A C.H.R.I.S.T centred community that inspires every individual to think, to learn and to strive for academic excellence
Family Handbook
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct unites staff, students, parents, regular volunteers, visitors and other members of our school community in defining, modelling and promoting the safety and wellbeing of students and all members of the community.
You can view the full LCPS Code of Conduct here.
Purpose: The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to describe minimum standards of conduct in all behaviour and decision-making to ensure the safety and well-being of students are prioritised and protected.
Application: The Code applies to staff, students, volunteers, parents and guardians.
- As an adult who has a connection with LCPS, you are obliged to comply with this Code
- You are also obliged to report any breaches of this Code that you identify to the Principal (or delegate) as soon as possible.
- To notify the Principal of a Breach, please contact the principal: in person directly; by phone; or by completing the online Breach Report here: https://forms.office.com/r/j3XeJGmHUa
- Parents, Guardians, Contractors, Visitors & Volunteers: The Principal is authorised to take such action as deemed appropriate to ensure/maintain the safety and wellbeing of all is protected.
- Staff: A breach of the Code may constitute a failure to follow a lawful direction from the Principal and therefore the Principal will have the discretion and authority as to what action to take to ensure and maintain the safety and wellbeing of all is protected.
Consistent, accurate and correct recording of student attendance is a legal requirement for teachers in schools in Western Australia. Leschenault Catholic Primary School monitors and manages student attendance on a regular basis in order to ensure students are attending school consistently to maximize the opportunity for all students to learn.
Leschenault Lunch Box
Our Canteen, the Leschenault Lunch Box, is open every school day for PK-Year 6 orders. All Orders should be placed on the CDF Online system before 8:30am each day. Lunch Orders are delivered to each class before First Lunch each day. Please see ordering details outlined below:
Order / Cancel Deadline |
Recess 10:50-11:10 |
First Lunch 12:20-12:35 |
Second Lunch 1:40-1:50 |
Mon | 8:30 am | Open | Open | Closed |
Tues- Fri | 8:30 am | Open | Open | Open |
How to Order | Online | Online or In Person | Online | In Person Years 1-6 only |
Our Winter and Summer Menus can be found at the CDF website and the LCPS website. Parents are provided instructions to set up CDF automatically when they enrol and there are instructions on our website. If you are experiencing any difficulties with your CDF account please contact anne.davis@cewa.edu.au . Stephanie Taylor is our Canteen Manager and can be contacted via email stephanie.taylor1@cewa.edu.au if you have any queries.
Online Learning
Parking and Vehicle Safety
- All vehicles on our school grounds must obey the 8km speed limit at all times
- All students must be escorted through carparks with parents and carers
- Please ensure you park in an approved bay that is not marked for ACROD (without a valid permit) or parking allocated to Staff or Church business (these bays are clearly marked).
- Should you need to park, suitable parking is located in the Mardo Avenue carpark, the Challenger Rise carpark, Pre-Primary carpark and the carpark area between the school and the church
School Hours
Time | Activity |
8.00am | Students (1-6) can arrive and remain seated in set areas |
8:20am | PK-6 classrooms open. Students can play till the bell |
8.35am | Warning Bell |
8.40am | Class Start Bell- Students ready |
10:50am | Recess |
11.10am | Classes resume |
12:20pm | First lunch (seated in allocated areas) |
12.40pm | Class resumes |
1.40pm | Second lunch – play |
2.00pm | Class resumes |
2:50pm | Pre-Kindy and Kindy dismissal |
3.00pm | PP-6 dismissal |
Supervision and Duty of Care
- No student is permitted to be on school grounds before 8am unless they are with a parent or participating in a designated school program.
- Year 1-6 students who arrive after 8am are required to sit quietly in the designated area until the first bell at 8:25am. The OSH Club (Outside School Hours Club) can be contacted on 0422 893 841 if you require this service. PK, Kindy and PP students must be delivered to their classrooms after 8:25am.
- We permit students to arrive from 8am but remind parents that our Duty of Care commences at 8:25am so encourage all students to arrive after this time. Your cooperation with school expectations enables our staff to prepare for their classes, when they commence work each day.
After School:
- Staff supervise students at all times during the school day, including while they use play equipment. Our students understand the rules allowing them and others to enjoy doing so safely and respectfully. They also know that they are required to behave according to the standards set in our Student Code of Conduct.
- Students (Year 1-6) know and are regularly reminded that when school finishes at 3:00pm, unless they are under the direct (line of sight) vision of a parent, they are required to move directly to the designated pickup spots or leave the school grounds if they walk or ride to school. PK, Kindy and PP students must be collected directed from their classrooms at the end of each day.
- No school staff are on duty after school, with the exception of the two designated pickup spots and the bus stop (until 3:20pm), to supervise your children, enforce the rules of play and attend to any need arising. Staff who are at work, whether in their classroom or elsewhere, are not available to assist. Therefore, if you choose to remain on school grounds with your child or other children in your care, you understand and accept sole responsibility for supervising them.
- ‘Supervision’ is keeping a direct line of sight to your child. It means ensuring your child behaves according to our Code of Conduct and other rules in their play and interactions with other children and parents. Students know the rules they follow during school hours and I ask you to enforce consistency while you supervise them after hours. If you supervise your children after school hours as described, then we can all enjoy the gifts of play and friendship of our school community.
Student Behaviour Management
As a school community, our staff, parents and students understand that we all have a part to play in creating a school environment where our students flourish and thrive. We want every student at LCPS to feel safe, successful, respected, welcome and happy.
Our Behaviour Management Plan is underpinned by our Student Code of Conduct that was developed by our students with our staff and has a strong emphasis on promoting and encouraging our desired behaviours. We focus on the “Responsibilities” that we require students to demonstrate so that the “Rights” of every student are met at LCPS.
Student Pickup and Dropoff
- Pre-Kindy, Kindy and Pre-Primary students must be picked up from the classroom. Pre-Kindy and Kindy classes are released earlier at 2:50 to ease traffic congestion.
- We encourage Yr 1-6 families to use the Kiss and Drop Stations rather than parking when at all possible.
- All students who are not picked up directly from their classroom are required to move directly to one of our two Kiss and Drop Stations located on Challenger Rise (outside PP) or around the corner from the Kindy (accessed from Mardo Avenue).
- After school, students are not permitted to wait out the front of the school and must go directly to the supervised Kiss and Drop Stations.
Students Travelling by Bus
Students travelling home from school by bus are dismissed from classes at 3:00 pm. A staff member will supervise all students until they have been picked up by the bus company. Please contact the front office for further details.
At times, teachers will ask for volunteers to assist and help out. In line with legislation, the following process is to be followed for all volunteers:
A volunteer in a school is defined as somebody who is unpaid and involved in child related work- if your usual duties are likely to involve contact with a child. (Working with Children Screening Act 2004)
Approved Volunteers will be provided a “Visitor Pass”. Teacher’s must ensure all volunteers have a school approved “Visitor Pass” before allowing the volunteer to assist.
Volunteering (Parents): A parent is defined as: parent, step-parent, de facto partner, prospective adoptive parent or a person who has legal responsibility for long term care of a child). Parents are generally exempt from requiring a WWC. Parents volunteers must follow this process:
- Sign in at the front office
- Complete “Volunteer Declaration LCPS” available from our website at https://leschcath.wa.edu.au/parent-information/ or from our front office staff. This needs to be completed the first time you volunteer each year and will be filed by Office Staff. For each additional time you volunteer you will need to sign and date this form again.
- Parents will be provided a “Visitor Pass” and must wear this pass for the duration of their volunteering.
- Parents with a “Negative Notice or Interim Negative Notice (WWC) are not permitted to volunteer
Volunteering (non-parents): Non-parent volunteers require a valid WWC (application forms available from Australia Post outlets) except in the following circumstances:
- Unpaid volunteers (children and students) under 18 years of age
- Interstate or International Visitors in the first two weeks of arrival (must be approved by principal)
Non-parent volunteers must follow this process:
- Sign in at the front office
- Present your WWC Card to Office Staff. This will be checked for validity as of current date at: https://www.workingwithchildren.wa.gov.au/card-validation
- Complete Volunteer Declaration LCPS, available from our website at https://leschcath.wa.edu.au/parent-information/ or from our front office staff. This needs to be completed the first time you volunteer each year and will be kept on file by Office Staff- Volunteers each year. For each additional time you volunteer you will need to sign and date this form again.
- Volunteers will be provided a “Visitor Pass” and must wear this pass for the duration of their volunteering.