Christianity | Friendship | Respect
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct unites staff, students, parents, regular volunteers, visitors and other members of our school community in defining, modelling and promoting the safety and wellbeing of students and all members of the community.
You can view the full LCPS Code of Conduct here.
Purpose: The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to describe minimum standards of conduct in all behaviour and decision-making to ensure the safety and well-being of students are prioritised and protected.
Application: The Code applies to staff, students, volunteers, parents and guardians.
- As an adult who has a connection with LCPS, you are obliged to comply with this Code
- You are also obliged to report any breaches of this Code that you identify to the Principal (or delegate) as soon as possible.
- To notify the Principal of a Breach, please contact the principal: in person directly; by phone; or by completing the online Breach Report here:
- Parents, Guardians, Contractors, Visitors & Volunteers: The Principal is authorised to take such action as deemed appropriate to ensure/maintain the safety and wellbeing of all is protected.
- Staff: A breach of the Code may constitute a failure to follow a lawful direction from the Principal and therefore the Principal will have the discretion and authority as to what action to take to ensure and maintain the safety and wellbeing of all is protected.
Attendance Procedure
Consistent, accurate and correct recording of student attendance is a legal requirement for teachers in schools in Western Australia. Leschenault Catholic Primary School monitors and manages student attendance on a regular basis in order to ensure students are attending school consistently to maximize the opportunity for all students to learn.
Concern, Dispute and Complaint Resolution Procedures
Resolving Concerns: Throughout your child’s schooling, it is likely that at some point you may have a concern in relation to some element of your child’s education or the school. The vast majority of concerns are dealt with productively and efficiently by raising them directly with the relevant class or subject teacher. This approach is an informal approach. If you do not feel comfortable addressing your concern directly with the relevant staff member, you are encouraged to make an appointment with a member of the Leadership Team who will be able to assist you. If your child is in Pre-Kindy- Year Two, you should make an appointment with Assistant Principal, Brigid Bryce. If your child is in Year 3-6 you should make an appointment with Assistant Principal Bree Dudek. If your concern is about another school-related matter, you should make an appointment with the Principal, Daniel Graves.
Resolving Complaints or Disputes: Sometimes unresolved concerns may become a complaint and/or a dispute, and these are addressed with a formal process. A complaint means an expression of dissatisfaction with our school’s services, decisions, actions or those of its staff, or about the complaint management process itself. A Dispute means a conflict regarding a right, claim, or demand on one side, met by contrary claims or allegations on the other.
If you have a concern or dispute that you would like to raise formally with the school, please access LCPS Concern, Dispute and Complaint Resolution Procedures for further details.
Student Behaviour Management
As a school community, our staff, parents and students understand that we all have a part to play in creating a school environment where our students flourish and thrive. We want every student at LCPS to feel safe, successful, respected, welcome and happy.
Our Behaviour Management Plan is underpinned by our Student Code of Conduct that was developed by our students with our staff and has a strong emphasis on promoting and encouraging our desired behaviours. We focus on the “Responsibilities” that we require students to demonstrate so that the “Rights” of every student are met at LCPS.
CEWA Privacy Policies and Collection Notices
As a Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) school, Leschenault Catholic Primary School collects, stores, uses, and discloses your personal information in accordance with the CEWA Privacy Policy and Privacy Collection Notices you may find here.
CEWA Whistleblower Protection Framework
The Whistleblower Protection Framework is designed to uphold CEWA’s shared values arising from the Catholic Social Teaching Principles of the dignity of the human person, the common good, subsidiarity, co-responsibility and participation.