Christianity | Friendship | Respect
Parking and Vehicle Safety
- All vehicles on our school grounds must obey the 8km speed limit at all times
- All students must be escorted through carparks with parents and carers
- Please ensure you park in an approved bay that is not marked for ACROD (without a valid permit) or parking allocated to Staff or Church business (these bays are clearly marked).Â
- Should you need to park, suitable parking is located in the Mardo Avenue carpark, the Challenger Rise carpark, Pre-Primary carpark and the carpark area between the school and the church
Student Pickup and Dropoff
Pre-Kindy, Kindy and Pre-Primary students must be picked up from the classroom. Pre-Kindy and Kindy classes are released earlier at 2:50 to ease traffic congestion.Â
 We encourage Yr 1-6 families to use the Kiss and Drop Stations rather than parking when at all possible.Â
All students who are not picked up directly from their classroom are required to move directly to one of our two Kiss and Drop Stations located on Challenger Rise (outside PP) or around the corner from the Kindy (accessed from Mardo Avenue).Â
After school, students are not permitted to wait out the front of the school and must go directly to the supervised Kiss and Drop Stations.
Students Travelling by Bus
Students travelling home from school by bus are dismissed from classes at 3:00 pm. A staff member will supervise all students until they have been picked up by the bus company. Please contact the front office for further details.